How Dentists Prepare Teeth for Dental Crowns
July 6, 2023

Whether you’re a royal or a tooth, dental crowns play a crucial role in maintaining your smile’s health. These tooth-shaped restorations are designed to cover misshapen or severely damaged teeth, and they are commonly crafted from materials like porcelain, metal, or ceramics. The process typically spans over two appointments spaced about two weeks apart, each lasting a couple of hours. If you have a forthcoming dental crown appointment, here’s a glimpse of what you can expect during the procedure.
(more…)Why Do I Need Temporary Veneers?
May 30, 2023
If you want to transform your smile without needing complex procedures, veneers are the solution for you. After just 2 appointments, you’ll have a picture-perfect smile, but you will need temporary restorations along the way. Although you’ll only need temporary veneers for a short time, they are invaluable for the success of your procedure. Here’s why they are needed and what you can’t expect during the process.
Does Getting Veneers Make Your Teeth Sensitive?
March 27, 2023
Veneers continue to rank among the most popular cosmetic procedures every year because of their diverse benefits. However, a small amount of enamel must be removed to get veneers. Since your enamel can’t grow back, it’s normal to have concerns about tooth sensitivity, but there’s no reason to worry. Veneers can often help patients with sensitive teeth, and here’s how.
Are Dental Implants Safe?
January 20, 2023
500,000 people per year are choosing to replace their missing teeth with dental implants. The unique procedure recreates both the root and the crown, providing a close replica of a real tooth. Although you’ve heard about their benefits, are dental implants safe? Yes! They are safe for most patients with good oral and general health, but there are a few things you should know about potential risks.
What are the Qualities of a Good Dental Implant Candidate?
October 13, 2022

You might want to get dental implants if you suffer from tooth loss. After all, these restorations have a whopping 95% success rate! That said, you should get an idea of whether you’d qualify for implants first. You wouldn’t want to book a visit only to learn treatment isn’t ideal, right? Fortunately enough, your local dentist can help you along. Read on to learn four qualities that make someone an ideal dental implant candidate.
(more…)Am I Too Old to Get Cosmetic Dental Treatment?
September 4, 2022

Have you been intrigued by the possibilities with some of the cosmetic dental treatments you’ve seen, or do you just know you want to make strides in your smile? But you’re also thinking that maybe you are just too old to pursue the improvement. Well, forget about that second notion, because age is nothing but a number! And the advancements in modern cosmetic dentistry can make a massive difference in your smile and offer you several pathways to get there. Keep reading to learn why the time is now for your grin with the help of your cosmetic dentist in Alexandria.
(more…)What Are Interesting Facts About Dental Implants?
August 4, 2022

Once upon a time, bamboo pegs were used to replace missing teeth in ancient China. Good grief! Dental implants sure have come a long way. These days, patients can opt for safe, natural-looking alternatives to replace everything from a single tooth to an entire arch of them. However, despite their popularity, there is still a lot of misinformation out there. With that in mind, here are some notable facts about dental implants in Indianapolis.
(more…)Which Type of Toothpaste Should You Use?
July 19, 2022

When perusing the oral care aisle of your pharmacy or grocery store, you may have wondered why the number of options for toothpaste was seemingly endless. If you don’t know what to look for, trying to select the right toothpaste can feel overwhelming. At its core, toothpaste is designed to clean your teeth, but some varieties have added benefits, like fighting stains and preventing sensitivity. How can you decide? Read on as a dentist in Alexandria, IN shares some helpful tips on how to choose toothpaste.
(more…)Sensitivity in Dental Implants and How Your Dentist Can Help
June 7, 2022

After missing teeth for a while, you finally went to your dentist to have them replaced with dental implants. Though they’ve done wonders for your confidence by giving you a complete smile, you noticed some sensitivity while having a cup of coffee this morning. Dental implants have a 95% success rate, so what could be causing this? Read on to learn about different kinds of sensitivity in dental implants as well as what your dentist can do to fix it.
(more…)Why Is Replacing a Metal Crown Right for My Smile?
February 4, 2022

Do you still have a metal dental crown in your mouth? Even though these highly durable restorations worked great at the time you got them, dentistry has come a long way since then. Now, there are other options that are more aesthetically appealing and healthier. Zirconia and porcelain have become the preferred material choices of many patients worldwide. Read on to learn from your dentist in Alexandria why you may want to consider replacing a metal crown with a nonmetal version.